Single Article Page or Post

Single Article Page or Post

Single Article Example

Any data within the page_o.article object can be referenced in an hmtl page as follows:

<!--#4DHTML page_o.article.fulltext--> Returns the html content of the article

Article Data

JSON example of article object. Include any data from the object in a template use  page_o.article.....

	"UID": "5482A3900AA8FD418CD5C410214B260E",
	"title": "WordPress Example",
	"alias": "wordpress-example",
	"introtext": "Some intro text",
	"fulltext": "The main content",
	"state": 1,
	"created": "2013-12-13",
	"modified": "2021-03-18",
	"publish_up": "2022-05-04",
	"publish_down": "0000-00-00",
	"images": {
		"image_intro": "images/example/intro.jpg",
		"float_intro": "",
		"image_intro_alt": "",
		"image_intro_caption": "",
		"image_fulltext": "images/example/full.jpg",
		"float_fulltext": "",
		"image_fulltext_alt": "",
		"image_fulltext_caption": ""
	"params": {},
	"level": 7,
	"ordering": 2,
	"metakey": null,
	"metadesc": "",
	"metadata": {
		"robots": "index, follow"
	"featured": 0,
	"published": 1,
	"path": "support/help/wordpress-example",
	"schema_article_type": null,
	"schema_page_type": null,
	"link_count": 0,
	"incoming_link_count": 0,
	"breadcrumbs": {
		"breadcrumbs": [
				"title": "Support",
				"class": "",
				"path": "support",
				"active": true,
				"home": 0
				"title": "Help",
				"class": "",
				"path": "support/help",
				"active": false,
				"home": 0
				"title": "WordPress Example",
				"class": "",
				"path": "support/help/wordpress-example",
				"active": true,
				"home": 0
	"keyphrase": null


Typical HTML for an Article

In the example snippet below we are using the unique identifier article.UID and we are including the introduction and the full text of the article together with the name of the author.

<div id="av-primary-content" class="av-column-8  wow fadeInUp">

    <article id="<!--#4DTEXT page_o.article.UID-->"  Use the UID as unique ID
        class="post-items mb-6 post type-post status-publish format-standard sticky tag-template">

        <div class="post-content">

            <h5 class="post-title"><a href="/<!--#4DTEXT page_o.article.path-->" rel="bookmark">
                    <!--#4DTEXT page_o.article.title--></a></h5>
            <!--#4DHTML page_o.article.introtext--> Optional Introduction
            <!--#4DHTML page_o.article.fulltext--> Main content
            <div class="post-meta down">
                <span class="author-name">
                    <i class="fa fa-user-secret"></i>
