Amazon Web Services

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Amazon Web Services Static Site

YouDoCMS integrates with the AWS node.js javascript client to register custom domains, create users with the identity management (IAM) service, secure sites with SSL certificates and upload to the CloudFront CDN and or S3.

Setting up static hosting with AWS is straightforward if you understand the AWS ecosystem. We have integrated our application with AWS for quick and easy set up for static hosting. The five components you need are as follows.

Certificate Manager SSL

Create a free SSL to use with your website and attach this to the CloudFront distribution.

S3 Storage

Setup and enable an AWS S3 storage bucket and synchronise the contents of your website to the cloud. S3 bucket management ensures that only changed files are synchronised when you upload, keeping upload times to a minimum.

Route 53 DNS

Using route 53 for DNS is optional and you can use AWS without this. However if you are a route 53 user and your domain name is registered with Amazon then you can update the DNS settings when you create your CloudFront distribution.

CloudFront Hosting

The CloudFront content delivery network is the key component that makes static sites so fast. Automatically create a cloud front distribution and link it to your certificate and S3 storage bucket to host your static site. When you update your site and synchronise your local data to the cloud our application automatically requests CloudFront to clear the cache ensuring only the latest pages are available.

Reverse Proxy

Static sites do not meet every requirement and if your site has a shopping cart or a community forum requiring users to login, a reverse proxy is the easiest way to manage this. By using a CloudFront reverse proxy you can serve the majority of your site via the CDN thus achieving a high Google ranking and redirect specific URLs to the pages on your existing Joomla! site transparently for the user.

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