
Blog Categories:


Our application can be used with any HTML template system from any CMS. Typically you would use your existing Joomla! or WordPress template and copy the HTML to create templates for each of different page types within your site. 

Similarly you can use any standard HTML template and incorporate our code to generate the pages. In the template section of this documentation I have included examples of our code to generate different types of page. Our template language covers the following.

Hierarchical menus
Single page content
Blog style content with readme
Category lists including child categories
Multiple pages from defined category.

List content can be sorted by date, manually via the ordering field or title
All content can be published and unpublished during the build process

Demonstration template

The default installation includes a demonstration domain incorporating a standard set of of template's for each of the page types. These page types can be easily modified by copying and pasting from your existing template source to generate static version of your current CMS.