CLI and Node Tools

Node JS


YouDoCMS detects if you already have a node installation. If not please download and install node on your local computer from

If Node is installed this can be used to install packages via a single click for SEO readability, AWS, CloudFlare and Google Firebase. Use the refresh info button to update YouDoCMS and make these packages available to our application.

Node packages are installed locally to YouDoCMS and are available to all domains. Therefore this process only needs to be carried out once. Different sites can use different providers. All login and password information is stored locally on your computer only. 

SEO Readability

Subscribers can use the SEO readability analysis to improve the quality of their Google search results. See SEO. Select the option to install the SEO package.


CLI Tools


Download and install the Azure CLI from the Microsoft website After installation use the refresh button to update YouDoCMS to enable the application to call the CLI.

Integration with git hub pages use these the git version control system and this is available to users of the free version of the software. Download git from

azure subscription

SEO readability, AWS, CloudFlare, Google Firebase and Azure is only available to subscribers of YouDoCMS . Integration with git hub pages is included in the free version. See pricing.